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Zap from thinkific to kartra asking for specific lead info- not understanding


I currently have my online course on Thinkific and run Webinar plays to it. However, my funnel pages are built on Kartra, but the checkout is through Thinkific. To make sure I correctly tag people as “Clients” when they purchase or enroll in my course, I am setting up a zap to trigger through Thinkific enrollment to “tag” that person as a client in kartra. The problem is that the forms to fill out for this zap in the kartra section are making me put specific client information, asking for a client email address and also an “ID”. This defeats the whole purpose of having zapier if I have to manually enter information everytime for a new client that purchases my course. Anyone know what I’m doing wrong? It should be automated once they purchase or enroll in the course on Thinkific to then get tagged in Kartra without me having to input any client info manually..


Best answer by chanelle 16 May 2023, 21:38

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Hey there @Ashaala! Welcome to Zapier Community! 

Based off the information you shared, I do not believe that you are doing anything wrong! It sounds like the information that is pulling over is sample data. To be sure, can you please provide some screenshots of what you are seeing? Please be sure to blur out last names, full phone numbers or other sensitive information. Looking forward to your response! 

Hey! Thanks so much. You were right, it was just needing test info. Everything works! Thank you @chanelle