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Hello, new to zap here. I wanted to create a zap where it monitors a spreadsheet lets say ‘test-1’ with ‘sheet-1’ as sheet name. whenever a user who has access to spreadsheet ‘test-1’ edits a row or makes changes to the spreadsheet, which will be the trigger. I want it to paste the new value of the cell, old value of the cell, who edited it i.e. their email id, the time it was edited at, and the cell edited to another spreadsheet called ‘test-2’ with ‘change log’ as the this possible? I was able to create a similar log sheet using google apps script but it needed the log to be in the same sheet as test-1 which would mean the logs can be viewed by the editors in test-1

if anyone is interested in knowing how i solved the problem, it was through webhooks, got the data from one sheet to send it to the webhook of the other sheet, there was a window of 30 seconds which was created but i just asked gpt to fix the code so that the window goes away, now it tracks for all the edits made, maybe theres a delay in writing of the rows but im okay with that

Welcome to the Community, @SeriouslyBlank! 🎉

Nice work on getting a solution in place so quickly! And thanks so much for sharing details of how you solved this using webhooks - it’s much appreciated. 🤗

Seems like you’re all set for now but please do reach out in the Community again if you need any help in future. In the meantime, happy Zapping!