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Zap Error on Salesforce Field Character Limit Even After Limit Was Updated

  • 23 March 2020
  • 1 reply

I have a Zap that adds data to Salesforce. One of the fields initially had a character limit of 6. It was working for a time, but the data coming in began to exceed that limit, so an error occurred. I went into Salesforce and increased the character limit on the field to 10 and re-ran the steps of the Zap. On the same step I got the same error:

The weird thing is that when I go through the setup process the note below the field now says “This field has a limit of 10 characters.” but I still get the “maximum of 6 characters” error when I test the step.


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Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @thejaneofalltrades! I can see that you got in touch with the support team about this and they were able to help you via email. 


It looks like the issue here was a field that needed to be cleared from the Zap editor and clicking the ‘Remove the extra fields’ button did the trick.