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Zap between Facebook Lead Ads and Klicktipp App keeps turning off

  • 17 May 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi, I'm posting my Zap between Facebook Lead Ads and Klicktipp App. As soon as I reload the page the Zap is turned off again. Why is this and how do I keep the Zap published? 


Thank you! 


Hi @CBecker 

Good question.

Some things to check…


Check your Zapier > Details > Change History to see why the Zap auto shuts off.


Do you have a Zapier paid plan?

FB Lead Ads is a Premium app that requires a Zapier paid plan.


FB Lead Ads help articles:

Klick-Tipp help articles:


Still need help? Open a ticket with Zapier Support:

Hey @CBecker! I see you reached out to our support team about this, who said:


I see an error about the need for more user permissions:
Please double-check that your Facebook account has these 3 sets of permissions:
Manage Pages
Manage Ad Account
Leads Access
Occasionally, changes from Facebook may make it necessary to re-assign these permissions.
Once you or your administrator have assigned the permissions, please try turning the Zap on again. If you can verify that you have permissions, and the Zap is still giving you errors, please send a screenshot of the permissions page showing that you have the necessary access, and we can continue troubleshooting from there!


Feel free to continue following up with them there to let them know if you were able to get things working or if the Zap continues to turn off for you. We want to help you get this sorted out ASAP!