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I am using Woocommerce Subscriptions and want to connect the subscriber's status in ConvertKit. When a subscription is active, the subscriber will have the active tag in CK. If their payment fails, they get a failed tag. If their subscription goes on hold, they get the on-hold tag. And if they cancel, they get the canceled tag. I want each of the previous tags to be removed so that the only tag they have is the current status of the subscription. I have it set up, but it is not functioning as described. Can this be done in one Zap or does it need different Zaps for each status?

Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @ourbreathcollective 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

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One of the issues I am seeing is that every time the subscription renews, Woocommerce temporarily updates the status to on hold and then when payment is confirmed, it goes back to active.



You may have to try adding another condition to the Filter step to distinguish between a new subscription vs a renewed subscription.

@Troy Tessalone ok, i am not sure how to distinguish that in the filters or how to accomplish what i am trying to do. currently i have six different zaps…



Check the DATA OUT returned from WooCommerce for a brand new subscription VS a renewed subscription to help you determine if there is a data point that you can use as a Filter condition to distinguish between those.

If you need to determine whether a subscription is newly created or a renewal, you can use the method described in “How to trigger paid subscription signups only” here:

@om4csaba ok, thank you. i am sure that will be helpful. i am still trying to wrap my head around the zap(s) that i need to create in order to accomplish what i am trying to do. do i need a different zap for each update to the order? or can it be done it one? not sure the workflow

Hi @ourbreathcollective,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

You can probably use one Zap for this and utilize Paths. Paths use conditional logic: “If A happens in your trigger app, then do X. If B happens, then do Y.” 

You can learn more about Paths by Zapier here:

Hopefully, this helps.

@ken.a that was very helpful. i think i was able to do it.

the main trigger is “subscription status update (any status) and then i used the paths to define each status. so depending on the current status, each path will add the proper tag and remove all other tags. not sure if you can see on this small screenshot. does that look/sound correct? thank you all for your help so far! very grateful


Hi @ourbreathcollective,

The setup looks promising! Have you tried publishing the Zap and testing it while it’s published to see the Zap in full action?

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

@ken.a i haven’t yet published. Wanted to make sure I was on the right track. Do you think I need another zap for when a person first creates the subscription to add the active tag? Or will that be accomplished here bc it is set for any update to the sub status?

Hey @ourbreathcollective 👋

I’ve just double-checked the WooCommerce documentation here and it states: 

“The Subscription status changed (any status) trigger rule will trigger every time a subscription changes status to any status, including when a subscription is first created.”

So there should be no need to create another Zap as the existing one would also trigger when a subscription is first created. 🙂

Hope that helps to clarify things. Do let us know if you have any further questions or if there’s anything else we can assist with.