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Woocommerce Kashflow integration

When upgrading to a new WooCommerce site and have imported our existing orders into our new site from our old site. We have a Zap that synchonizes new orders from woocoommerce to Iris Kashfow. We have connected the Zap to the new site but not yet run the Zap.

We dont know if the zap will try to transfer old orders into Kashflow again which would be disastrous. 

We would be grateful for any advice.

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @djcregan 

Which Zap trigger are you using? (screenshots)

Zap triggers work while turned ON for new data going forward. (e.g. New Order would trigger for new Orders created AFTER the Zap has been turned ON)

When in doubt, test it out.

Hi Troy

The trigger is  “new order”.

What I don't understand is is how the zap will know which are new orders, I am just concerned that exporting the data (orders) from the old woocommerce site to the new could have stripped out something that flags new orders from ones that already been synced. Or does the Zap check?

I really dont know


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You can always add a Filter as Step 2 in your Zap:

That can be used if there is an identifier in the data of the old Orders.

e.g. all OLD Orders include XXX, then filter based on order that do NOT contain XXX.


Are there other Zap trigger “Event” options to select from in the dropdown list?


The Zap trigger is instant (via webhooks) that will fire when the conditions of the Order are met in WooCommerce.


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @djcregan,

Just giving a quick nudge here. Have you gotten a look at Troy’s suggestion here?

Pleas let us know if you’re still in need of some help on this. Happy to assist further! 🤗


Thanks for coming back to us, so I am think that the last order that was synced was  #28757 so a filter that allows only orders after that number. I am not sure how to create the filter so a step by step on this would be great?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @djcregan,

I’m so sorry for the delayed reply.

You can use Filter by Zapier for the Zap to only continue on certain conditions. You can learn more about Filter by Zapier here:

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!