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I have a zap created that when we receive a new recurring donation in Zeffy it will add the donor to a welcome series in Convertkit. However, it is changing the individual’s name in Convertkit to the that of the testing record I used. How do I fix this?

Hi @Angela S. 

For us to have full context, post screenshots with how the steps are outlined, and configured, thanks.

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@Angela S. 

We will need to see more screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in the Zap EDIT mode, thanks.

Hey I had the same issue and just fixed it -

I was getting the name from my first test tacked on the front of each first name that was submitted. 

I do not know if this will be your fix, but maybe so here goes...

On the TEST steps / walkthrough on Zapier I had originally typed in my FIRST NAME, as the field did accept my text. This was the mistake. It was not lear that I had to click and select “First Name” from the google sheet.

By typing, my name was forever stuck as a value each time the zap ran.

I disabled the zap and rebuilt a new one, but instead for the test steps, clicked in the first name field and selected “First Name” to be imported from the Google spreadsheet. 

Then I looked in convertkit and voila!  First name was correct! YAY.

I think typing a value in the tests saves it somewhere and it gets passed again and again.

My first name is Adam, and as I did test submissions with other names, Convert Kit was showing first names like


I suggest simply disabling your zap and rebuilding as I did, taking care not to type in the fields when you test.



Thanks for sharing your solution here @Adam Rafferty! This will be helpful to our Community members!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗
