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I have I have tried two options and both make duplicates:




When calling into Dialpad it to our main office line.

  • Click 1 and it sends you to “Sale” Department
    • Which is set to Operators - Fixed order.
    • If no one answers the fallback sends it back to the main office line allowing them to select the same options again. (a work around since Dialpad doesn't allow it to keep ringing operators in the fixed order for a preset time. 
  • Click 2 and it sends to voicemail. 
    • Send you to main office line voicemail



On Zapier I have this setup for Dialpad 

Option 1)

Call States: Call Recorded

Scope: Specific Department 

Please select the Dialpad office: Office Location

Department: Sales

ACTION: Creates Asana Tasks


Option 2)

Call States: Call Connected

Scope: Specific Department 

Please select the Dialpad office: Office Location

Department: Sales

ACTION: Creates Asana Tasks


The issue I am running into is that both of these options seem to create two Asana tasks. Once when someone first calls in to the main office line and then again when they select “Sales” Department. I really only need a task created when they select “Sales” Department. We have someone watching the Dialpad Voicemail shared inbox already. 


If someone would help me figure out how to not have duplicates made cause it's just eating away at our Zaps. 

Hi @Nolan 

For us to have more info, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Here :) 


Here is my asana call log it just is making duplicates 



If there is a data point that indicates “Sales Department”, then you can add a Filter as Step 2:

Or you can add logic to Find Task else Create Task to prevent duplicates.

Zap Action: Asana - Find Task

Check the checkbox to create task if not found.


I couldn't get it to work. Any tips?

The issue I am running into is with Dialpad 


inbound call to our main office number 

  1. press one to leave a voicemail 
  2. to talk to operator 

Then it rings operators in order and if no one picks up then it forward it back to the main office number for them to choose options 1 or 2 


So this makes a duplicate call every time they click two to talked to someone. 


that issue is if there is a duplicate task in asana then I don't want it to create if no one picks up. 


The other issue is if they call later that day, I do want it to make a task in asana. So if it would check for calls made within 10 - 15 mins and not make a task. So kind of a specific case but just couldn't figure out how todo this. 


Did you add the Zap step logic for Asana Find Task, else Create Task?

Post updated screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in EDIT mode.

Here is a screenshot. I am not sure where the “Zap step logic”  


I think I have it set up correctly now? Let me know tho. 














The way your Asana Zap step is configured it will either find an existing Task by Task Name in the Project, and if no existing Task is found with that Task Name in that Project, then it will create a new Task in that Project.


Check your Zap Runs history to see the DATA IN/OUT to help you troubleshoot:

There will be a data point that indicates whether the Task was found as false/true.

If found = true, then no new Asana Task was created, thus preventing a duplicate.