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Knowing what to type into each field when setting up the gmail section of the work flow.

Hi @B2B SFG 

Please clarify your question, thanks.

Im setting up the gmail section of linking my event on linkedin to my gmail. I have no idea what needs to go into each drop down box of setting up the gmail part. I have no idea what to do setting up the gmail section. How do I set up the gmail section. what detail goes in the gmail drop down bits in the gmail section. What details needs to be inputed in the gmail section.


Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have more context.

Might be best to review the available help articles about Zap Basics:

Pretty straight forward. I dont know what to input to any of the gmail drop down boxes. If you know how to do zaps, Id love to connect with you. a simple 5 minute job for someone experienced in zapier.

There you go.


It’s basically like filling out an email for each field.

NOTE: Only the required fields need values.

You can either set static/hardcoded values for those fields OR you can set dynamic variables from previous Zap steps using the ‘custom’ option as indicated here:

If your looking for help, consider hiring a Zapier Expert:

@B2B SFG How are things going here? Were you able to understand and move forward with filling out your action step for Gmail? Or are you still needing some help getting things set up? Let us know and we can continue to help you get pointed in the right direction!