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What lookup value should be used when searching for existing rows in Google Sheets?

  • 15 May 2021
  • 2 replies

Im making a service where you need a licencse key. I have put all of them in a column called “Keys”. Every time someone fills out the google form it should email them a key. But when I setup the Lookup Spreadsheet row i dont know what to put for lookup value?


PS: Im new to Zapier lol

Hi @JCooks 

Try this…

Add another column to the GSheet with a head titled “Assigned”.

For all the unassigned Keys, set their “Assigned” column value to ‘NO’.

For all the assigned Keys, set their “Assigned” column value to ‘YES’.

In the Zap, set the GSheets Lookup Row lookup value to NO.

Then add another action step in the Zap for GSheets Update Row, that will update the Row found in the GSheets Lookup Row step to update the value from ‘NO’ to ‘YES’.

Hi @JCooks , were you able to implement the suggested new column for the licencse key Zap? Let us know if that worked for you!

Also, the following Community posts may help with this as well:

Have a look and if you do have questions, don’t hesitate to reply back!