
What is the best approach for processing data from PhantomBuster into a spreadsheet

  • 21 June 2022
  • 2 replies


Newbie question!

We have some data coming into our Zap from PhantomBuster - we need to select specific parts of the data and add to a google sheet - example input data below.

The incoming data is in batches of 10, and we’re using Add Spreadsheet Rows to process all 10.

However, when I select resultObject: jobs: companyName, the example data is presented as [“AudienceProject”, “Legacy”, “Ramboll”], [“Ikoula”], [“SII”, “Gamitec”] -- i.e. each result is delimited by “,” but the individual results have a 1:many relationship with the jobs (delimited in [])

I want to be able to select the first company name for each record (i.e. AudienceProject, Ikoula, SII), but how can I parse the “[]”s? 





        fullName: Thomas xxx

            companyName:     AudienceProject
            companyName:    Legacy
            companyName:    Ramboll

        fullName: Jules xxx

            companyName:     Ikoula

        fullName: Eric xxx

            companyName:     SII

            companyName:    Gamitec

This post has been edited by a moderator to remove personal information. Please remember that this is a public forum and to remove any sensitive information prior to posting. 


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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @charliebequiteq! Thanks for reaching out - we’d love to take a closer look!
Do you mind sharing a few screenshots (with any personal details obscured) of your current zap setup to help the team troubleshoot with you? 
Looking forward to digging into this with you!


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @charliebequiteq just wanted to check in once more here! If you wouldn’t mind sharing the steps of your current Zap (both apps and the triggers/actions you’re using) and which step you’re working with, that will help us get on the same page with where you’re running into trouble. As Christina mentioned, screenshots are also super helpful!