
What does the moonPhase number on Weather By Zapier mean?

  • 9 February 2022
  • 1 reply

What does the moonPhase floating point number translate to / mean when using Weather By Zapier for google sheets?
I’d like to display an emoji or string on my sheet correlated to the day’s MoonPhase, but I don’t understand how to convert the float given or what it means, any help would be much appreciated.

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @coolbot100s 

Zapier gets weather data from Dark Sky.

Probably best to open a ticket with Zapier Support for further assistance:

Guessing the displayed decimal value can be interpreted as a % of a full moon.


You’d likely have to use some sort of lookup table or Code step to convert the ranges of possible values into an emoji or string.