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Any idea what may be causing these three OBJ icons to appear?

Results from a GCal Action step with static email addresses (not references to previous steps)

There’s nothing fancy going on in the Google Calendar Action step - just a group of emails added as guests in a “Create Detailed Event” action.  Of note, the e-mail addresses are entered via static text, not dynamic references to previous steps.

Possibly something to do with the “OBJ” e-mail account (it’s a gmail business account).  It doesn’t show up like that in other GCal events.

Of note, the picture isn’t showing up but the other two e-mails are from the same business domain and their pictures do show up.
I’ve double and triple checked that there are no leading or trailing “ “ whitespaces...




Hi @mixelpix 

Seems like that might be related to an object of some sorts.

@Troy Tessalone yep, likely the object containing the profile img… just not sure why it’s happening with the GCal events the Zap creates.  Never seen this one b4.