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Weekly Text Message

  • 20 August 2020
  • 4 replies

Hey folks… need some help with sending a weekly text message reminder (via Twilio) to go out to multiple people. I have tried:

  1. Building a zap that connects Twilio SMS send to the CRM (SharpSharpspring, Font and Google Contacts - yes I tried all 3) but each Zap needs a status change to send the text… so it works once then doesn’t repeat.
  2. Using the Zapier schedule app with the CRM - but it only grabs a single record
  3. Using theZapier schedule app with the contact records exported to a Google Sheet. But this solution only sends to the first record in the sheet. It doesn’t iterate down the sheet and send to every contact.

Any other ideas for making this work? Many thanks in advance!

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey! Quick question - When you say “multiple” - How many are you talking about, and are they the same people each time?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

An app such as TextMagic or ClickSend would be better suited for your use case.

You can add Contacts to a List.

You can schedule messages to be sent to the List.

Userlevel 1

Thanks for the responses! @andywingrave Multiple is more than 30 less than 100 (the list is growing), and yes its the same list.

@Troy Tessalone Thanks! I’ll check these out.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

It’s a bit hacky, but if it’s the same people each time @JonD  and you’re locked into Sendgrid - You could just copy the zap for each person, and stick it in a folder.