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I am trying to automate a daily email to my organization that compiles all events happening today & tomorrow across multiple 30+ Google Calendars, with headings for each calendar. Is there a way to do this with Zapier? It looks as if Zapier can’t “find” events just by day, as it asks for a search term. I just want everything from the whole day compiled into an email. 

Hi @akfullerton 

Good question.


Check out Digest by Zapier:


You’ll probably want to make sure of this Zap trigger: GCal Event Start


Some challenges you’ll encounter.

  1. Number of Zaps that need to be configured for all the Calendars
  2. Organizing data from the Digest
  3. Formatting of data for the email


As an alternative, consider this approach…


Configure Zaps to send data to an Airtable Base for new/updated/cancelled events.

  • Airtable has Views.
  • Views have Filters. (e.g. Date = Today OR Tomorrow)
  • Views can be shared as ready only via links or embedded on sites.


Then use a Zap with the Schedule trigger to send a daily email with the link to the Airtable View that is filtered for Today/Tmrw.



I’ve never used Airtable before - how would I go about setting that up? Do you have any resources you could share to help there? 


Airtable has tons of resource:

Your Airtable Base would have to be configured first before you can use it in Zaps.


You’d need 2 Zaps at a min

Zap 1

  1. Trigger: GCal - New/Updated Event
  2. Action: Airtable - Find/Create Record
  3. Action: Filter (continue if existing record found)
  4. Action: Airtable - Update Record


Zap 2

  1. Trigger: GCal - Event Cancelled
  2. Action: Airtable - Find Record
  3. Action: Airtable - Update Record