
Verification and Confirmation | HELP

  • 4 August 2020
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1

How do I follow the following scheme?

Purchase (PayPal)

2- Send an email to the buyer with some instructions to reply

3- The buyer will respond with his discord user in the response like this:
       Re: Payment
       Discord: Buyer#0000
       Description: Some text

4- Provide the role with the name of the product purchased for that discord user on the discord

I've tried in several ways, I asked for support in DM and some topics here in the Zapier Community, but nothing answered my question, so I'll post some prints of the methods I tried to create the schema above:

Step 1: Verification

Step 2: Confirmation

But it is not working, is anyone there available to help me?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @Learner ! I think you’re leaving yourself quite open here for this process flow to fall down due to human error. What’s to stop you automating everything directly to Discord?