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Using Zapier to update existing item in Podio App

  • 17 December 2020
  • 3 replies

Hey there,

I am struggling trying to figure out how (and if) Zapier can update an existing item in Podio when triggered by a form submission in Jotform. Here’s the scenario….

  1. Prospect calls into our office via our VOIP system. A record of the call is created in our prospect app in Podio that contains the callers phone number. 
  2. My team calls the prospect back and utilizes a Jotform webform to collect needed information. The prospects phone number is recorded on the webform and should match the number in the existing item in Podio. 
  3. When the Jotform is submitted, I want Zapier to find the existing item (via the phone number) and update the item field with the information contained in the webform. 

When I chose the Action Event in Zapier “Update Item” I only have the option to choose a specific item in Podio I want updated every time OR a Custom choice which allows me to choose a specific jotform field. 

Is there a way to have Zapier search for an existing item to update using a common field in both apps? 

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Add another Zap step for Podio Find Item then map thru the ID of the found record to the update step.


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi @iamjustinpowell - Just wanted to follow up on this. Did Troy’s response help you figure this out. Essentially you need to first find the item in Podio, before you can update it. In Troy’s example, you first want to find the item and then you want to use  the ID from that search in the next step, when you’re updating the item

Hope that helps!

Userlevel 1

Yes it did. Sorry for not replying back.