Using {{zap_meta_human_now}} but its not updating last contacted date in HubSpot
I am using the code {{zap_meta_human_now}} to timestamp when a zap runs-- I got the code from posts around 2018 for the same purpose. I am hoping to use the timestamp to update the ‘last contacted’ date for my contacts and deals. The code is not returning data, has the code to timestamp changed?
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Hey @questionmark ,
The command is still the same which was earlier. Can you please post the screenshot of the output of the timestamp?
Hi @questionmark , pleas share some screenshots of what you are trying to achieve and which zap actions you are using. This is very usefull to understand!
Here is a screenshot. I am using the code to try and timestamp into Hubspot the last time contacted on a Deal.
I also tried the code in other steps and always returns “No data”
No Data is just a place holder value. Run the Zap and this will return date.
It does not. The zap has run over 200 times. Perhaps it needs to be formatted first, but here a screenshot a test to show no data being pulled from that code:
The Zap Meta Human Now variable can’t be mapped to the “Additional properties to retrieve”.
Please post a screenshot of how your HubSpot Zap step is configured with the Zap Meta Human Now variable mapped to the “notes_last_contacted” field.
The entire configuration of that step is in these two screenshots:
The only thing I am using this step for is to hopefully update the “Last Contacted Date” on HS when this zap runs. In other words, I was hoping to use the {{zap_meta_human_now}} code as a timestamp than can be automatically populated to the deal that triggered it as the “Last Contacted Date.”
You’d need to map the Zap Meta Human Now variable to the HubSpot Deal field that you want set with a timestamp, similar to how you have this variable mapped to a field.
The “Additional properties to retrieve” is used to RETURN data points after the action step runs.
The Zap Meta Human Now variable can’t be mapped to the “Additional properties to retrieve”.
FYI: HubSpot will automatically update the “hs_lastmodifieddate” data point when the Deal is updated.
Yes, but last modified date is not the same as last contacted. It’s a significant difference in the sales process to keep track of the last time a deal was modified, versus the last time contact was made because of an existing deal.
I appreciate the time and involvement. Besides having to map the timestamp from the sheet, is there a way to do it within the zap?
Or, if the last modified date could be used to set the last contacted date, that would solve the issue as well. I have not figured out how to either map the timestamp within the zap, or how to use the last modified date to also be set as the last contacted date.
LastContacted might be a data point updated internally by HubSpot for Contacts related to the Deal, when email communications are sent via HubSpot.
Once you create a new Deal property, you can then set the Zap Meta Human Now variable to that field in the Zap.
Hey folks! I just wanted to jump in to summarize the answer here for anyone that’s running into similar issues.
As per the documentation that Troy linked to previously, the Last contacted field is automatically updated by HubSpot based on the date of the latest activity, this is why it’s not possible to update that last contacted field via an Update Deal action:
Using {{zap_meta_human_now}} will output a timestamp for the current date and time that the Zap is running. It will not show a date and time preview in the Zap Editor, it will only output the timestamp when the step using it is tested or when the Zap is switched on and is running live. You can find out more about this here: Insert the time your Zap runs into a field
Currently, the only way to record when the deal is updated by the Zap would be to add a custom property in HubSpot to record this information in. Then in the Zap you can use {{zap_meta_human_now}} in the custom field for that property so that a timestamp is added to that custom property in HubSpot.