I think you need 2 lookup tables. In the first set for all 3 sub-categories to 3 (for example) and then use the output of the first lookup table for the second text lookup table.
Hi Abby! It's not possible to use a wildcard in a Lookup table, sorry about that!
I think that you could take @ChrisP's idea but only use one Lookup table. You'll need to add a line in the lookup table for every sub-item, putting the categories for each one.
If that will be a lot of lines, one thing that you can do is to use a Google Sheet as a lookup table. If you can, export all of the subcategories into a sheet, and add the category of item for each. Then use a find row step instead of a Lookup table.
OR Are all of the subcatgories numbers (ie there are not letters in them?) and are they all the same length (eg they are all x number of digits long) because it they are then you could use the Spreadsheet style formula function (in Formatter -> Numbers). For that you could create an if/then statement that says something like: if the code is a number is between 1000 and 1999 then output Food and Drink, if it's between 2000 and 2999, then use the category Groceries, etc.
I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any questions!
@Danvers You are right - 2 tables would be redundant. One other possible way of solving this would be to use a Formatter step and just strip the first digit out of the ID numbers and feeding that digit into the lookup table.
Hi all! Thank you for your replies. I ended up using the lookup table and defined each item. I think this would have met my needs, but then I found out the source doesn't assign numbers per sub-category consistently 🤨
Still grateful for your guidance!