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Using Third Party Calendar Scheduler - How to Turn Off Google Calendar Invitations?

  • 31 October 2020
  • 1 reply

Hey so I’m using a third-party calendar scheduler (client books themselves into my calendar) integrated with Google Calendar. The problem I’m having is that whenever someone books in, they get a booking notification from both my scheduler AND Google calendar. I’d like to turn off all client-side notifications on Google. Any ideas on this?

I’ve been digging around and all I’ve found is to turn off Automaticall Add Invitations under Settings/Event Settings. This doesn’t do a thing …

Here’s what the client sees/gets:

Any ideas?

Thanks so much,



Best answer by nicksimard 4 November 2020, 01:06

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Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @DerekKaye!

I’m afraid you won’t be able to use Zapier to change any settings within Google Calendar. Any emails they send out would be beyond our control. 

I did some searching online and didn’t really find anyone who’d solved this issue. I checked Google Calendar settings myself and also didn’t see any options for disabling that email that gets sent. 

If you do manage to find a solution I’d love to hear about it!