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Using Paypal Webhook from Paypal Apps instead of IPN

  • 28 August 2020
  • 3 replies

Hi everyone,

Trying to get my connection to paypal running. Unfortunately I want to trigger the Zapier webhook with one of my internal paypal apps which have webhook integration as well. I do want to generate more than one app within paypal as we need to separate different plattforms from each other. I know there are ways to integrate some sort of logic if whatever value is equal “plattform 1” or “product 001” then do this. But I want to work with the standard paypal Zap integration where my webhook integration is clearly not working. Only the IPN Paypal integration is triggering the zap correctly at the moment.


Any help would be appreciated !

Thanks !



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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @BenK80 

As you discovered, the standard PayPal Zapier integration only runs off the PayPal IPN.

However, if your internal PayPal apps support webhooks, then you could just create a zap triggers on “Webhook->Catch Hook”.

Let us know if that might work?

Userlevel 1

thanks for the quick answer ! I’ll try. Any chance this improvement might come in the near future? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

It’s more a PayPal issue rather than something Zapier can control I believe. @BenK80