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I’m testing Zapier to use for Keepa Amazon alerts to send to a discord channel. Keepa offers a RSS feed so I setup a Zap for the RSS feed to sent to a Discord channel. It works but I want it to display the current price in the Discord message body. How can I do that?

Also, Keepa is setup to send an alert to your Telegram which is MUCH faster. I noticed that I receive the alert on telegram about 20-30 sec. before it sends to the Discord Channel. Anyway to speed it up??

Hi there @Fish Sauce,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Regarding your first question, could you please let me know on how does the price is being pulled from your RSS trigger? Does the price has a separate field? If not, I would suggest adding the Text in Formatter - Extract Pattern function to extract the price if it’s in the title or description of the RSS data.

I made an example Zap for you:

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Formatter step setup copy and paste this regular python expression (\$r\d.]+) in the “Pattern” field:

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Formatter Output:

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Discord action setup:

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Here’s what it will look like in Discord:

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Regarding your second question, Polling refers to the type of trigger used in a Zap. There are two different types of Trigger at Zapier: 

  • Instant - With an instant trigger, your trigger app will send Zapier an instant notification whenever there's new data.
  • Polling - With a polling trigger, Zapier checks the triggering app at regularly set intervals, and only runs your Zap when new information is found. 

The majority of triggers are polling triggers. Zapier will check for new data from your trigger every 1 to 15 minutes in order to start your Zap, depending on your pricing plan.

You can learn more about the types of triggers in Zaps in this article from our Help Center:

Hopefully, this helps! 😊

The RSS feed are Amazon restock items so all of them has a price. But it doesn’t appear in the discord notification. Looking in the “Test” of my Trigger, it displays the price in the “Description”


Also how can I verify if my Zap is setup for Instant instead of polling? Im on the dashboard but do not see anything referring to that?


Thank you!

Also is there a way to make it so it to not show/reference the RSS feed link in the discord notification? 

Hi @Fish Sauce,

Regarding your first question, if that’s the case I would recommend mapping the “Description” field in the “Input” field of the Formatter step. Like so:

(view larger)

Regarding your second question, to determine whether your trigger uses polling or instant functionality, you can check for the "Instant" label next to the trigger event name. Polling triggers won't have this label, but instant triggers will. Here's an example to help clarify:

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Regarding your third question, if you want a preview of the link I recommend formatting your Discord message on the “Message Text” field to hyperlink the URL. Like so:

Use this format oLink](message link)

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Here’s what it will look like in Discord:

(view larger)

Hopefully, this points you to the right direction! 😊

It all definitely helped!

Regarding my third question, I’m a bit confused on how to format it. From my previous screenshot, it displays the entire RSS feed URL link in discord message using Zapier’s “Description” and “Link” pull down option. How would i format it so it does not display or reference the RSS URL so that the public could not see it and have it go straight to the amazon item link?

Awesome! 🎉Glad to here everything’s working so far! displays the entire RSS feed URL link in discord message using Zapier’s “Description” and “Link” pull down option. How would i format it so it does not display or reference the RSS URL…

Kens shows this in their screenshot but the word highlighted in green is the word you want hyperlinked or visible in the channel. It would need to be contained within the braces.

nLook! Kittens!](Amazon URL)

The word highlighted in blue would be the Amazon URL and would need to contained within the parenthesis. More on masked links in this Markdown Text 101 help article Discord shared here.

I hope some of this helps! 🧡