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Using Google Calendar to Automatically Update Slack Status, Using Generic Status Message in Slack

  • 13 April 2020
  • 4 replies

I setup a Zap using Google Calander and Slack. I set it up so when I’m in a meeting, it changes my status in Slack to a Buble with three dots, and if you hoover over the icon it shows “In Event Name Until Event End Time”. However, I want to mask the event name, and just have it say “In a Meeting until 2 p.m.” so if I have a personal calendar event it is not transparent to everyone in Slack. How can I do this? 

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey Evan!

Assuming you’ve mapped the field from Google Calendar (probably the Summary field) into the Status Text box for Slack, you could simply type in some text instead that says “In a meeting until” then add the end time from Google Calendar. In fact, you likely already have the “until” text typed in there. You could simply delete the first mapped field and modify that typed text.

Can you give that a shot to see if it works for you?

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Esilbe1!

Since this was a little while ago, I wanted to check in to see if you’d managed to solve this or whether you still needed help here. Please let us know!

Userlevel 1

Hi @Esilbe1!

Since this was a little while ago, I wanted to check in to see if you’d managed to solve this or whether you still needed help here. Please let us know!

Thanks for checking. Yes, this was resolved! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for confirming, @Esilbe1 :)