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Use mail content to create Google document based on template


I would like to know how to create a Zap which would be triggered by applying a label on my Gmail account (ok for that trigger), and which would use the different datas in the email body to create a Google Document from template and populate the different field tags

Is there a way to achieve this ? I did not found how to use the different informations in the email body to populate the template… 

Thanks for your help,


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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @airelle 

Good question.

That is known as email parsing.

Email parsing relies on consistent standardized email templates.

Example of an app that does email parsing is Mailparser:


Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Hello @airelle 

Just like @Troy Tessalone  use Email Parser by Zapier or Mail Parser in the Trigger Step depending on the complexity of the data that you need to parse from the email body.

Now create a New Google Document Template with the Merge Tags for every field that you want to include from the email that you receive.

For example,if you receiving the “NAME” from the email content and want to add it in the PDF you generate add a Merge Tag “ {{NAME}} “ in that specific position of the templated document.

Like this add a Merge Tag for every field that you want to parse from the form in the Google Doc Template.

Now in the Trigger  Step parse the email content and in the Action Step map those respective fields to the template document merge tags.


Userlevel 1

Thank you very much ! I will have a look to that. By the way, what means “Instant” in the Email parser by Zapier’s “New email” event ? Does that means that I need something special in my plan or not (should I pay more for that) ? For now, I’m running a free account to make tests and see if Zapier can help me to do what I want to, but if it can, I will subscribe to a starter plan.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @airelle!

You don’t need something special in your plan to use an instant trigger. Some triggers are instant and some are what we call ‘polling’, which means that Zapier will check for new information at specific intervals. Here’s a more detailed description of the difference between trigger types from a help doc on setting up your Zap:

  1. Polling trigger: the majority of triggers are polling triggers. With a polling trigger, Zapier will check for new data from your trigger every 1 to 15 minutes in order to start your Zap, depending on your pricing plan.
  2. Instant trigger: with an instant trigger, your trigger app will send Zapier an instant notification whenever there's new data. Zaps with instant triggers are labeled Instant on your dashboard and in the Zap editor.