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Use Filter "(Text) Contains" multiple possible values without needing multiple conditions

  • 10 March 2021
  • 2 replies

I’m trying to filter my Gmail inbox with Zapier instead of the native filters, because Zapier’s logic is more robust. However, one problem I have is adding a Filter step with complex and/or conditions. For example:

Only continue if…

From Email … (Text) Contains … tcompany domain]

To Emails … (Text) Does not contain … omy email]

Subject … (Text) Contains … “Newsletter” OR "Weekly" OR "Monthly" OR "Quarterly" OR "Update"

Subject … (Text) Does not contain … “Urgent” OR “Action Required” OR “Please Read”


As far as I can tell, Filter by Zapier would require multiple, repetitive “OR” blocks to set the above conditions. There’s no way to copy fields/conditions from one block to the next, so I’m left with setting up 5 condition blocks with 6 fields each, 5 of which are the same for each block…

From Email … (Text) Contains … rcompany domain] From Email … (Text) Contains … [company domain] From Email … (Text) Contains … company domain] From Email … (Text) Contains … icompany domain] From Email … (Text) Contains … ocompany domain]
To Emails … (Text) Does not contain … my email] To Emails … (Text) Does not contain … emy email] To Emails … (Text) Does not contain … )my email] To Emails … (Text) Does not contain … Tmy email] To Emails … (Text) Does not contain … my email]
Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Urgent Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Urgent Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Urgent Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Urgent Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Urgent
Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Action Required Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Action Required Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Action Required Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Action Required Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Action Required
Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Please Read Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Please Read Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Please Read Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Please Read Subject … (Text) Does not contain … Please Read
Subject … (Text) Contains … Newsletter Subject … (Text) Contains … Weekly Subject … (Text) Contains … Monthly Subject … (Text) Contains … Quarterly Subject … (Text) Contains … Update


Is there any way to put the “OR” logic directly in the field’s values, instead of having to create separate condition blocks for each possibility?

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @mgarrett2767

Check out this help article:

Perhaps try multiple Filter steps in the Zap, rather than multiple condition sets within 1 Filter step.

Consider using the “is in” operator.

Is in

"Is in" filters are used if you want to see if the incoming data matches a value in a list.
For example, if you had 3 values "Value 1, Value 2, Value 3", it will match the filter if the value from the trigger was one of those options.
This filter is not case sensitive.


Also try using this Gmail trigger in conjunction with the Zap filter to get the desired logic criteria to evaluate.


Or a more technical way to evaluate would be to use a Code step:

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hey @mgarrett2767!

Did you manage to update the Filter conditions with your criteria here? What solution did you decide to go with?