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Hello! I want to upload Microsoft Word document from GitLab to Google Drive when any commit happens. My Zap config is:

But when I run it i obtain some strange document (the content is wrong):

How to fix it?

Looks like you’re using the URL to the location of the file in GitLab rather than the link of the GitLab file.

The field is expecting a file object or a direct link to a publicly accessible file.

Looks like you’re using the URL to the location of the file in GitLab rather than the link of the GitLab file.

The field is expecting a file object or a direct link to a publicly accessible file.

Do you mean permanent link to file by it?

Yes, should be a permalink to the file, instead of a link to the GitLab page that displays the file along with other options.

So my permalink is but it doesn’t work. What I am missing?

That link goes to a GitLab page.

The link needs to be a direct link to the file.

There is a download link available, but that produces a .zip file.


Thanks! And I found out that I can simply replace blob with raw in initial url. :)