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Upload File from Google Forms trigger to Jira Issue as attachment

  • 18 May 2021
  • 2 replies



i’m trying to create issue triggered with google form new answer.

but i cannot transfer file attached to my form into new JIRA issue.

is there any way to make support of attach JIRA field while creating new issue from Google form answer?

Hey @embedo!

I'd love to see that as a feature, too. 

Looks like there is an open feature request for an Attach File to Issue in Jira Software Cloud. I've added your vote! Should this be added in the future, we will send you an email 👍

Hi friends!

Looping back around to let ya’ll know this was shipped recently and the “Attach File to Issue” action is now available in the Jira app! 🎉

Happy Zapping! ⚡️