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Updating a ticket in Zendesk triggers an update in Jira

  • 16 June 2020
  • 3 replies

I have an integration for when a new ticket is created in Zendesk that it creates a new item in Jira. And when that item in Jira is updated, it updates the Zendesk ticket. Now I’m looking to create a zap where when a ticket is updated in Zendesk (probably via a comment), it will update the Jira item (probably also as a comment).

Starting this zap, the only action that looks like it’d work would be “New Action on Ticket,” but its description is “Triggers when there is activity (an audit) on a specific ticket. Can only watch one ticket per Zap.” I’m not seeing a way to have this be dynamic. Is there a generalized way to have this work for all tickets in the view so that any time one gets updated it triggers a zap? Am I missing something?


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3 replies

Userlevel 2

@Bryan01 Please clarify...What is app (Zendessk or Jira) is the Trigger being used? 


Userlevel 1

Hey @David Mercer, thanks for your response again.

I’ve got this working which I’ll list for posterity.

This was an existing ticket in Zendesk that was associated with an existing ticket in Jira. Updating the ticket in Zendesk didn’t have an option for a zap unless it was tied to a single specific ticket.

The solution was:
In Zapier, creating a webhook.

In Zendesk, creating an HTTP target to that webhook (Admin > Extensions > Add Target)
In Zendesk, adding a Trigger that notifies that target, sending:


*Note, in a different zap that originally set up the Jira Ticket when the Zendesk ticket was created, I added another step to add the Jira Ticket ID as a Zendesk custom field to the form (that only agents can edit).

Back in Zapier, the second step after the webhook was to pull the Jira ticket ID, and add the new comment.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey there folks,

Just wanted to swing by here to share that the New Action on Ticket trigger no longer needs a specific ticket to be selected. 😁🎉

Also, the Zendesk app now has a Updated Ticket trigger. So it’s now possible to trigger on any Zendesk ticket without needing to use Webhooks by Zapier for the trigger. Totally fine if you want to keep your Zaps as is, just thought it worth mentioning just in case. 

Please do get in touch if you run into any trouble with those triggers, but in the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡