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Update products in Shopify but search by SKU

  • 11 October 2022
  • 5 replies

Trying to use a Zapier template to automatically update pricing when it is changed on a google sheet. However, we have thousands of products most of which have variants, sometimes dozens of variants. Searching by product title doesn’t seem to work for this when updating the pricing because it is only searching for title.

Is there any way to make it search for the SKU?


Trying to use a Zapier template to automatically update pricing when it is changed on a google sheet. However, we have thousands of products most of which have variants, sometimes dozens of variants. Searching by product title doesn’t seem to work for this when updating the pricing because it is only searching for title.

Is there any way to make it search for the SKU?


On the Shopify POS products screen, type the product name or SKU into the search bar to find the product that you're looking for. Search results will list each product variant as a separate line item. If the product that you're looking for appears, then tap it to add it to the cart.

Hi @Rob Scott 


You can use Find Variant by Title and Update Variant By Title



Please let me know if that doesn't work for you and give me an example to help you better

Hey there @Rob Scott !


At the moment, it appears the only search steps we offer require the title of the product and we do not have any other methods of search in our Zapier app.

Looking at our data about this app, Shopify does not support the ability to search via SKU at all:


Sorry to not have better news -- aside from renaming all items to be something unique (which is probably not worth the effort ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), I cannot think of something to suggest.

  1. Follow These Steps
  2. The step-by-step process.
  3. Export Products with Inventory / Variants.
  4. Apply filter if needed.
  5. Press the “Export” button to start the export.
  6. Download exported file.
  7. Update Variant SKU in the exported file.
  8. Delete unnecessary columns.
  9. Save, import and enjoy!

@john123marshal the Zapier actions we offer for finding products require a Title as the input, and they do not support SKUs as the search term.  Titles will be re-used a lot as it is the Product Variants objects that will further classify details about the product (size, color, image, etc) so even if we had a list to refer to in a lookup-table-like-function, the issue would still be the same in the end.