
Update HubSpot deal property when new subscription is created in Stripe.

  • 21 June 2023
  • 1 reply

I want to have a HubSpot Deal property updated when a Subscription is created. When i am creating the Zap the Stripe part is easy but on HubSpot side I am not clear what is the purpose of the mandatory field of “Object ID” . 

My understanding is that this is the ID that should connect the subscription with the deal on a unique basis to assure that he correct deal is updated. If this correct?

If so, the field only allows selection of Stripe properties. Does this mean that the Zap will trigger a search in HubSpot deals for this property value to identify the correct deal, which in turn means that there need to be a way to update the deal with this unique Stripe identifier, or in other words , update a deal property upon on creation of new subscription. Which feels a bit of catch 22….

Bottom line - is there a way to update a HubSpot Deal property value when a new subscription is created in Stripe?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @zeizenberg 

Good question.

To help give us context about what you’re seeing in the Zap Editor, please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured, thanks.


If you don’t know the HubSpot Deal ID from the Stripe Subscription, then you’ll need to first use a Zap step to find the HubSpot Deal to get the HubSpot Deal ID.

Then you can use a HubSpot Update Deal step in the Zap and map the HubSpot Deal ID.