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I have two tables in Airtable that have 4 matching fields.  The identity field is email address.  Based on the values in table 2, I would like to update Table 1 where the email field matches.


I’m able to connect to both tables, and I can see records in both … but I’m not sure how to create the Zap.


Any guidance would be appreciated … I’m still reading docs in Zapier, so if I find the solution myself I’ll post it.  Thanks.

In your Zap…

Action: Airtable - Find Record

Action: Airtable - Update Record


Thank you for your response!


Ultimately I was able to speak with a Customer Support person who helped me understand what I was missing.  Just thought I’d come back here to post about in case someone else had trouble connecting the dots in the future.

In my Find stage, I was searching for Email, but in the Update stage, I needed to select the RecordID.  Once I understood that and made the change, my Zap worked perfectly!

Thanks for the update @saintbrian :) And happy to hear that you got things working!