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This is related to another topic which has been marked readonly.

I have the need to post into Jira description fields at least some blank lines.

Ideally I would post markdown, but even without that, I’d need to be able to post into Jira Issue Description field with blank lines, but these seem to be stripped out.

While the initial description seems to retain line-breaks, the resulting list of items in the description collapses as soon as the editor is opened, making the list useless.

Any way to add blank lines between text when creating Jira tickets with a Description?


I was able to send blank lines by crafting a prior step variable to contain multiple lines, but those are still treated as one big string of words as soon as I type anything on the jira side.

Pulling the ticket from jira via the API reveals it is treating the entire text as a single paragraph.

What version of the API is the Jira integration using?

Is this relevant?

would wikimarkup work? 
