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I have a pro account with unlimited zaps but I seem to be getting an error when I try to enable a new zap:

Error turning Zap on: {"id":null,"error":"InvalidData","errorDetails":null,"validationErrors":[{"field":"Events","message":"You cannot have more than 50 triggers per account.","kind":5}],"success":false}


Can someone help? 

What app is being used as the Zap trigger?

This would be an app limitation, not a Zap limitation.

Some apps have limits on the number of webhooks (aka Zap triggers) that can be created.

Hi @Matt P 

Are you using Acuity Scheduling by any chance? I know this an issue with them. If so, I can tell you how to solve it.

@Matt P 
Just checking in to see if you still need help with this? 

Hi @Matt P 

Were you able to get this squared away based on the previous suggestions?

Please let us know, thanks.