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Twitter GIFs, scheduling with other social accounts

  • 13 March 2021
  • 4 replies

Can you get gifs or videos to play on the other social medias, I have setup a chain that starts with Twitter new tweet Trigger and the actions to follow post to the other accounts but I can’t get gifs or videos to play properly is there a way to do it as Twitter you can’t tag after you have posted. 




Is there another app that you can prepare/Schedule to each individual type of platform with it’s individual way of tagging etc….. so it can then be automated? 



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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @David - Gaylife Magazine 

Check out these available Social Media Marketing apps that have Zap integrations:

Doesn’t relate to the question asked

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@David - Gaylife Magazine 

Check out Hootshite or Buffer apps.



Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hey @David - Gaylife Magazine!

Did one of those app suggestions help with your question to schedule a Twitter post to other social media accounts automatically?