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Trying to track convertkit subscribers in (or vice versa, whichever is easier)

  • 20 August 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi Everyone, 

We are trying to find out whether or not it is worthwhile to automate convertkit to in order to keep track of our email campaigns, particularly the tags of each. My main question is that there doesn’t seem to be a way to transfer a tag from convertkit to

Automating the transfer of the subscriber seems easy enough and there is a New Tag Subscriber but I guess I would have to do that separately for every new tag and then manually add in if this has ‘this tag’ then type the text to a Tag column in No direct transfer of the tag itself in convertkit to as a preloaded option, correct?

Any help would be appreciated!


Hi @Doren1993 

Zap trigger: ConvertKit - New Tag Subscriber

Triggers when a specific tag is added to a subscriber.

NOTE: Must select a Tag.


Even the ConvertKit API docs about webhooks indicate a Tag ID must be provided.


  • "subscriber.tag_add", required parameter :tag_id dInteger]
  • "subscriber.tag_remove", required parameter :tag_id dInteger]


Sorry just to confirm, this means that there is no way to create a trigger when any Tag is added just a specific tag and this means that if we have multiple tags, they must each have their own zap. Correct?


Appears as so.

You can try contacting ConvertKit Support for possible confirmation and guidance.

Hi there @Doren1993,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

It looks like it’s not possible to trigger on multiple tags when using the “New Tag Subscriber” trigger. I recommend reaching out to our Support Team to create a feature request on your behalf.

You can reach our Support Team here:

As a workaround, you can create multiple Zaps for each tags.

Hopefully, this helps.
