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Trying to embed a youtube video on a Wordpress post

I’m trying to create a Zap. The intended trigger is me uploading a video to my youtube channel. The intended result is that the Zap creates a post on my Wordpress website which has the video embedded in it. I haven’t been able to get the video properly embedded, and was wondering if anyone knew how to do so.

Hi @SciSme 

For us to have more info, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.



What is the issue you are experiencing? (screenshots of the generated WordPress Post)

Post looks like this

and this is the code editor view

But, if I get the Embed url from youtube, it works.

code editor view and resulting post from manually copying over the Embed url


What is the issue you are experiencing? (screenshots of the generated WordPress Post)

Let me know if you need any more info

Hi @SciSme,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Could you please try using an HTML embed format? You can learn more about that here:

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!

Hi @ken.a,

Thanks for trying to help. Unfortunately, the problem isn’t embedding the video, its that Zapier is somehow getting the link wrong. Manually replacing the link Zapier provides with the correct one fixes the post, but that somewhat defeats the point of trying to automate this.


Make sure there are no extra leading/trailing spaces around the mapped variable.

Try using a combo of static URL + the YouTube Video ID instead of the Embed URL.
Embeds the specific video with the ID XXX.


@Troy Tessalone Still getting “this video is not available” where the video should be.


Can you post updated screenshots with how your Zap step is configured?

Make sure the YouTube Video with that Video ID still exists.

This is the zap

this is the post it creates

this is the video and the embed url provided by YouTube

and this is what I get when I replace the embed url Zapier gives me ( with the one from YouTube (

@Troy Tessalone Let me know if you need anything else, and thanks for your help.


Make sure there is no extra space or line break before the mapped variable and the preceeding double quote for src=”


Looks like you are still trying to use the Embed URL vs the suggestion of using a combo of static URL concatenated with the YouTube Video ID variable.





These are 2 different video IDs.

this is what I get when I replace the embed url Zapier gives me ( with the one from YouTube (


This Video ID does NOT exist: cAvqj2GfgPT

Make sure to test with a Video ID that is valid.


This Video ID does exist: Yx2OVZyN3G4


cAvqj2GfgPT is the only ID i can get it to use. It wont use any other ID. cAvqj2GfgPT is the ID for the nonexistent test video that the zap uses for testing purposes, and I can’t get it to stop using it.

I think I figured out the problem, but don’t know how to solve it.


The way the zap is supposed to work is:

1, a form is submitted containing a title, a description, and a video file (as well as some other things which aren’t relevant to the current problem)

2, the video is posted to YouTube with the appropriate title and description

3, a post is made on my site with that video embedded in it


What’s happening is:

1, a form is submitted containing a title, a description, and a video file (no problems here)

2, the video is posted to YouTube with the appropriate title and description (working perfectly)

3, a post is made on my site with a non-existent YouTube video embedded in it (id:cAvqj2GfgPT)


How do I take the video created in step 2 and use it’s ID in step 3?

Thank you for helping with this.


Help links for using YouTube in Zaps:

My Zap does not show real data when I test the Upload Video action.

When you test the YouTube action "Upload Video", the step will not upload the video. It will return default data so that you can continue setting up the Zap without affecting your channel.



Try turning the Zap ON and testing live.

Then check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to trace the data flow and troubleshoot.


I think I’ve got it, running final test now

It worked! Thank you so much for your help.
