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The Situation:

  1. So I have a Zap that creates a new database item when a folder is uploaded to dropbox
  2. One of the fields I have in my notion database creates an identifier for each meeting (Notion Database ID)
  1. I would like to use the “Rename file” option to rename the uploaded dropbox folder to have the Notion Database ID at the front of the Original Name. IE “MTNG-33_Uploaded Folder Name”


The Problem:
When I reference the Notion ID from within the Rename File (dropbox) step, it shows as not having any data i the Notion Meeting ID field


Does anyone know what’s going wrong or how I can get around this? 

Hi @head_adrian 

Make sure you are using a Notion record in Step 2 that has a value for that field.


Try turning the Zap ON and testing live.

Then check the Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you troubleshoot.



I can't see all fields in my Zap

Not all Notion property types are supported in Zapier. The following property types are not supported:
  • Files and media
  • Formulas
  • Relations
  • Rollups
  • Status
These property types will not appear in your triggers or actions.
