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Trouble splitting Shopify details into Airtable cells using Looping


I am trying to split my Shopify details into cells in Airtable using Looping, but I don’t think I’m doing it right, or I’m missing a step. I want my details to go here:

and when I do Looping, it comes out with the correct information:

But when I go to add that information in my cells, the option for, say, Loop value 2, isn’t available to click:

What do I need to be doing to set this up correct?

Thank you so much!

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @ebefort-DDP 

Help article for using Looping:


Map the variable you configured in the Looping step to the Airtable step.

Each time the Loop iterates, the variable value will change.



Userlevel 1

Hi, Troy,

Thank you for the clarification! So regarding that, how can I have specific information be dropped in specific cells? I tried the Formatter as well, but only had a couple options. For example, I need the “Double-Sided, 24, and 18” in the formatter to be in these specific cells:

Am I using the right tools, or should I be using a different one?

Thank you so much!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Can you post screenshots with how your Looping and Formatter steps are configured in their “Action” section/tab?


Userlevel 1

I feel like I’m doubling up somehow. I appreciate the help!


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Here’s the issue…

1 Shopify Order can have 1+ Line Items.

1 Shopify Oder Line Item can have 1+ Properties.

To properly parse the Shopify Line Item Properties, which is a nested array of items, you’d likely need to use custom Code to transform those into key/value pairs to be mapped as custom variables.



Here’s a related topic for general guidance that can be used within the Looping.



Userlevel 1

Oh! Thank you so much!! I will look into that then; I appreciate it!