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Triggering Google Task with Alexa

  • 30 September 2020
  • 2 replies

I am very new to Zapier. I want to be able to tell Alexa to add a task to my google tasks. Do I really have to say “Alexa trigger a zap with my trigger phrase?” Then say the trigger phrase? I know this may seem like a stupid question, but I can’t find a more streamlined explanation. I use google tasks a lot and I won’t remember to say all of that each time. I just want to say, “Alexa add a google task!” Zapier is enabled on my Alexa app. Help, I’m a newbie!

Hey @midwesternMolly, that’s not a stupid question at all!

I haven’t used the Alexa Zapier app myself, but once it’s set up and installed on Alexa (you can read more on how to do that in this guide) it should work like this: 


  1. Start by saying "Alexa, ask Zapier to trigger a Zap" or "Alexa, open Zapier".
  2. Next, you'll be asked what you want Zapier to do for you. Here’s where you say the trigger phrase eg “Add a Google Task”
  3. If you set prompts for additional information (eg ‘What’s the name of the task?’) then Alexa will ask you these and wait for your response(s)
  4. And then your Zap will start!

I hope that helps!

I just wanted to add that you don’t necessarily need to use two steps to trigger it. I am able to say “Alexa, open Zapier and add a task” and with that one sentence, it then immediately asks “What is the task?” 
It’s lovely to have it work with just a one sentence to trigger. I have been playing with this all morning and loving this. It’s a game changer for me. :)