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I want to create a Zap that will automatically save all the events that I mark as "interested" on Facebook to my google calendar indicating the full information: NAME of the event, PLACE, and TIME.

When I choose the Facebook app from the list, it gives me options only with Pages, which is not relevant for that task. 

Please help me find a solution to make this Zap happen

Welcome to the Community, @dymonxd!

Ah yes, there isn’t an option for the Facebook Pages app that would allow you to run a Zap when you’ve marked yourself as “interested” on an event. I couldn’t see any existing feature requests open for this so I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team about this so that they can open up a feature request on for this on your behalf. You can do that here:

In the meantime, it looks like there’s an option from the o...] menu in Facebook to add an event to a page:

So I’m thinking that maybe you could make yourself a private Facebook page where you add only the events you’re interested in. Then use the New Post to Your Timeline (Facebook Pages) trigger and set it to look at that specific page. Then you could follow that up with a Create Detailed Event (Google Calendar) action to create the event. 

Depending on what and how the information for the event comes over you might need to use some Formatter actions in place to extract the name, place and time of the event. I’ve not tested it out myself so can’t advise exactly what formatter actions you’d need unfortunately.

That said, an alternative way might be able to send those event details to the Email Parser by Zapier app. Then Email Parser can help to extract the event details into separate fields. So you’d have two Zaps one that has the New Post to Your Timeline (Facebook Pages) trigger and uses a Send Email (Gmail) action in an email app like Gmail for example to send the email to Email Parser. Then a second Zap uses New Email (Email Parser by Zapier) as the trigger and has a Create Detailed Event (Google Calendar) action to add the event. If you’ve not worked with Email Parser before you can find out more about setting it up here: Trigger Zaps from new parsed emails

Hope that helps. Please do keep us updated on how you get on, very interested to hear whether that workaround does the trick! 🙂

Thats the answer I was waiting for))

Thanks a lot, will try and come back with the update

Glad I could help, @dymonxd. Hopefully it’ll work as hoped! 🤞