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Hi I’m trying to automate the cancellation process for our users: ( Aka Cancel with no questions ask...)

The basic workflow would be: 

  1. Client is required to send an email to a specific email address with CANCEL in the subject tile
  2. Zapier catch the email, find the cancel 
  3. stripe find the user Id based on the Emails use to send the cancel request
  4. Stripe Cancel the subscription.

I wanted to validate if using the metadata status and adding canceled would achieve what I’m after?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @LucJ 


As I see from the Stripe integration, there is no option for cancelling the Subscription. HOWEVER, you can achieve that using Webhooks by Zapier and the end point from Stripe mentioned here

Thanks your answer Mohswellam

In which way this is different than changing the status to canceled?

My pleasure LucJ 


MEetadata is used to store additional information only, it cannot be used to cancel a subscription or so. I believe my above solution is the way to go.

Is there a little guide how to setup the webhook in zapier?

There are several videos for that, this is one is my favorite, its very simple actually




If you are unable to set it up based on this video, you can come back here and post screenshots so we can help you further. 


If it becomes too complicated, you might consider hiring a Zapier Expert 

I ask this questions to openAI chat gpt3: how to use zapier webhook to cancel a subscription in stripe?

here is answer: 

To cancel a subscription in Stripe using a Zapier webhook, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Zap in Zapier
  2. Set the trigger app to be the app that you want to trigger the cancellation (e.g. a form app)
  3. Set the action app to be "Webhooks by Zapier"
  4. Choose the "DELETE" method
  5. Enter the URL for the Stripe subscription cancellation endpoint: "{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}"
  6. Use Zapier to add the Stripe API Key to the header of the request
  7. Test the Zap to ensure that the subscription is being cancelled correctly.

Note: You'll need to replace {SUBSCRIPTION_ID} with the actual ID of the subscription that you want to cancel.

I'm urprised to get a result, seems logical, is there anything else not included in his answer that I should know about?.

thanks in advance

This is surprisingly accurate 😃 I dont see any flaws in this logic