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For contract signing we are using a digital signature that flows rto Zapier 

In  Zapier we have ZAP with 3 steps 

  • Step 1:  When 1 new document is signed in Getaccept => 
  • Step 2:  Delay - it wait for 15 min => 
  • Step 3:  The output sends 1 new line to excel (stored on OneDrive) 


Normally our set up works smooth, but after Feb 11th something is wrong in step 3: 


data In in step 1 is OK - data out in step 1 is ok 

delay in step 2 is ok 


But not all data in from step 1 output are flowing to step 3 input

Hence the line in excel is not complete, but ( Only 1 field with emails flows – all other data is missing)


anyone knows how get this running again ? It worked for > 11 month with out issues and nothing was changed from our side 


thank you

Hi @EsleO 

Check your Zap Runs to see the DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step for clues to help your side troubleshoot:

Check if changes were made to the Excel spreadsheet being used that may have impacted the Zap configuration.

Check if changes were made to the Zap and it may need to be reconfigured.

You can change the trigger test data to get new samples to configure the Zap: