For contract signing we are using a digital signature that flows rto Zapier
In Zapier we have ZAP with 3 steps
- Step 1: When 1 new document is signed in Getaccept =>
- Step 2: Delay - it wait for 15 min =>
- Step 3: The output sends 1 new line to excel (stored on OneDrive)
Normally our set up works smooth, but after Feb 11th something is wrong in step 3:
data In in step 1 is OK - data out in step 1 is ok
delay in step 2 is ok
But not all data in from step 1 output are flowing to step 3 input
Hence the line in excel is not complete, but ( Only 1 field with emails flows – all other data is missing)
anyone knows how get this running again ? It worked for > 11 month with out issues and nothing was changed from our side
thank you