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Trigger on a message in a slack thread where original message is by a bot

  • 11 July 2020
  • 1 reply

I have a bot sending announcements from an airtable to a slack channel.


My slack users will respond to that announcement in a thread.


whenever such a message gets posted to the thread, I want my zap to trigger.


Any ideas how to do it?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Matthias!

Hmmm...that’s a tricky one. Is there anything by which you’re able to filter, that would be in the original message that is sent by the bot. Like, if you were to use New Message Posted to Channel, for example, you’d want a way to make sure you only let the Zap continue if the message was a response to your desired thread.

Does that bot message always contain certain language or anything? Maybe if you can elaborate a bit on what that message consists of, someone will be able to suggest a solution :)