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trigger action from html in Outlook header

  • 17 March 2021
  • 8 replies

Hi. I’m using Jira notifications in Outlook to create tasks in Todoist. I would like the task to be a link to the Jira task so I don’t have to go search for it (this already works in Todoist and I use it frequently.) However, the only way to grab the URL of the Jira task is from the href tag buried in the Outlook html. Is there a way to isolate that tag somehow so I can create the linked task? 

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8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @rebc 

Try these options…

  1. Formatter > Text > Split: steps to split and isolate the URL
  2. [ADVANCED] Formatter > Text > Extract Pattern: to isolate the URL using regex
  3. [TECHNICAL] Code step to split or use regex to isolate the URL

Thanks! Would this work even though the URL changes every time? It will always be specific to the Jira task.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Also consider this Formatter > Text > Extract URL option.
NOTE: This will find the 1st URL in a blob of text, so you may need to use additional steps before to narrow down the text to search within.


Would have to see how the data comes thru from the trigger step.

Essentially you’d be looking to trim based on something that uniquely identifies the start (e.g. http) of a URL and end of the URL.

OK, so trimming aside, the URL is a variable that will change every time. Is it possible to isolate that or is this just wishful thinking?



Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @rebc 

This step will work to find any URL: Formatter > Text > Extract URL

@Troy Tessalone won’t it just find the first one though? the email header has several unfortunately.



Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Correct, in the Zap you’ll need to first use a Formatter step to trim/split the text content before the desired URL.

@Troy Tessalone Gotcha. I will try it! Thanks so much!