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Hi Everybody

Whomever is the good soul reading or answering this I hope you are well and keeping safe!


Trying to create a folder plus a subfolder in GDrive based an a card moved to a list in Trello

All seem to be fine until the last step - The filter is to ensure that the first folder is created and than I select it as the parent folder in step 5 (I can only use the custom value I used to name the folder in Step 2). However, Zapier returns an error (cant find the folder).  Is this Zap even possible? Appriciate any tip or guidance.  BTW FYI the date is just there as we use that formatted date in the subfolder name,



Hey there! That definitely should be possible - Please can you send screenshots of your Google Drive tasks?

The initial task creating a folder based on the client name (which is the card name)

Please note that all the data is FAKE data for testing.!!


Filter to move forward if that folder exists (not sure I need it)

This is the step to create the sub folder (The initial folder is being created correctly) 

The error message 



Ah ok - So in the Google Drive field for the second task, you actually need to select the folder you created from the first task. you can do this by clicking on “custom”, selecting the folder ID and that should work

Thanks! That is what I was aiming for (title was the only one with the data so I thought that was the field)

Used ID field and guess what? - It works!  

Great! Glad I could help!