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I’m running some Facebook ads to register for 2 zoom meetings I’m holding in September. I’ve not a paid webinar account in zoom to facilitate the redirect URL to track conversions.

I was wondering if I could track conversions using a zap from a trigger in Zoom meeting (new registration >meeting date/time) to then a facebook pixel 


Same trigger would then add them to a new subscriber group in Mailerlite, which would then list this as  the facebook pixel conversion?


the conversion to registering for the meeting is all I need to capture somehow as a facebook ad convrsion - they do not need to be added to a funnel or anything.


Anway suggestions on best approach/.

Hi there @Carly I,

Have you tried setting up your Zap like this:

  1. Trigger: Zoom -  New Meeting Registrant
  2. Action: MailerLite - Create or Update Subscriber
  3. Action: Facebook Conversions - Send Lead Event

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!
