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So here is the thing. I am finding it hard to see what I am doing that is wrong. I am trying to create a new zap that basically prevents any syncing errors between my two task databases. In this zap i want to if i update a task in ticktick in any way. For that update to reflect on Todoist. 

The problem is that i dont know how to FIND the task dynamically from the found task that is updated in the trigger. So the same title/task name, needs to update what has been updated like date, priority etc. 


But it gives me an error that it can't find the task when i put in the dynamic taskname in the name section. And a find task action in between the two doesn't seems to resolve it. 



Hi @dutchdragon 

Add this Zap step: Todoist - Find Task

That will return the Todoist Task ID.

Hi @dutchdragon 

Add this Zap step: Todoist - Find Task

That will return the Todoist Task ID.

I have no idea why it now works. But it does. thank you so much. that leaves me with 1 post left to be resolved.

Hi @dutchdragon,


Wow! Thank you for confirming that Troy’s resolution got the Zap running. This will significantly help our Community members to have as a reference for the same issue.
