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Hi 🙋🏽‍♂️ 


Funnelcockpitt support only Digistore and Copecart as Checkoutpage  


The problem is that for the credentials you need a connection between Thrivecart and FunnelCockpit. Thrivecart has to pass on the buyer data to Funnelcockpitt so that an account can be created on the Memberarea on Funnelcockpitt and the access data can be sent to the customer. 

Hi @VictorMM 

Can you please clarify your question?

hey, I have an online course in FUNNELCOCKPIT and there is a members area there, when the customer makes a purchase on THRIVECART should be created Member Account in the members area in FUNNELCOCKPIT and the access data should be sent to the customers 


I hope you understand me 


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Funnel Cockpit: