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Hi I have configured a test zap which is seem to work fine except the “message” field is not getting populated.

Zapier gets the info but not sending it to Google sheet
Data IN
spreadsheet:    1HveYTc7GYLXbB1HnT9Dyy4i_pi_fE2jh66y6k2yM32A
worksheet:    0
COL$A:    Jane Doe
COL$C:    1234567
COL$D:    {{148801111__message}}

Data out

id:    3
row:    3
COL$A:    Jane Doe
COL$C:    1234567

see video below:


Hi @esartori 

Try changing your trigger test data after submitting a test, then remap the value to the GSheet action step in the Zap:

Hi, I did that, The email and text came through, but after switching back to Google sheet the message part is still not getting populated. Still missing in the Data Out
id:    5
row:    5
COL$A:    bob bay
COL$C:    888-888-888


I just found out text field is considered and custom filed and not supported in Thrive theme.